Things you need to know before travel

Ella Train Times

Train time table to ELLA

From the above list you can find

  • Trains from Colombo fort to Ella
  • Trains from Peradeniya to Ella
  • Trains from Kandy to Ella
  • Trains from Nanu Oya to Ella

What times do trains pass Nine Arch Bridge?

This is one of the main questions that the tourists have who visits Ella Sri Lanka. Following are the nine arch bridge train times that you can invest to get a nice photo with the train passing the nine arch bridge. Although these are the regular daily Ella train times trains can be delayed due to various reasons. But usually delay might take only 10-15 minutes. But in rare occasions it can go up to 1 hour. Be there at least 30 minutes prior to the train reaching time to the nine arch bridge to set up yourself to take a good capture.


  • Colombo/Kandy Side to Badulla side (06.30 am , 09.15 am, 10.45 am, 11.45 am, 18.45 pm)
  • Badulla side to Colombo/Kandy side (06.10 am , 13.30 am, 15.25 am, 17.35 am, 18.30 pm)

For more information read the full article about Nine Arch Bridge

Nine Arch Bridge Train Times

This is the fixed Ella train time table for the route. If you are looking for current train times please visit to RAILWAY GOV site. You can find the train times from anywhere in Sri Lanka

Ella train times
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What you can Do in Ella